Sunday, November 29, 2009

She's Gone Again

I had great holiday weekend. I hope you all did too. Sara was home for four days. We had a good time together. We went to see "New Moon" together. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

Of course we had to do some shopping. She hadn't been home since August. We love to shop. She gets it honestly. I love finding things for her. I really don't buy much for me (unless we count fabric!).

Sara is going to a wedding in December so we were looking for something she could wear to that. This is what we found:

I really think my daughter looks better in the dress than the model. I'm probably a bit biased tho.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Hiya Joyce, I so love hearing about the times you get to spend with Sara. The bond that the two of you have is so obviously filled with much love and special times, absolutely wonderful.
hugs Deb