Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Quilt Retreat and Quilt Kit

Last November (2015), I attended my second quilt retreat. I have several friends that put these on at a local motel in Amish Country. I had always gone out for just a visit, but had never attended by staying for the full retreat. At the November retreat, I dug deeply and found a beautiful quilt kit that I had purchased at Mercantile On Main in Coshocton, OH. I'm not sure how many years ago that I bought the kit, lol. To maximize my time at the retreat I had pre cut all the fabric for each block. It sure made a difference in what I was able to finish. Well, almost finish! I have the top almost completely sewn together. There are just two rows and a few borders til it's finished.

This is what I started with:

Which turned into this:

Maybe I'll have it finished by this fall? One can only hope!


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