Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. We had a great time with family today. My niece even came home from Columbus. It's always great to see her.

I thought I'd post a picture of a needle keep notebook that I made about a week ago. There are several things I will do differently next time, but that's not going to be for awhile.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Black and White Quilt

I had a very nice email from Paula over at asking about black and white quilts, so I thought I'd post a picture of the one I did for my daughter. She has this one on her bed right now.

I've seen several blogs with "Trees Up, Lights On" wallhanging, but I haven't seen one done like my friend, Sharon. This is just too cute in person.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


There's a new giveaway at Little Blue Cottage. She is giving away two yards of beautiful fabric. You can sign up here:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Finally A New Post

Sorry about the picture, it's not the best I've ever taken, but it will give you an idea of how I spent my day. My snowman is from the same company as the Santa. He's pretty cute too.
Just talked to my daughter, and she confirmed that she did indeed jump into Mirror Lake last night. Makes you wonder if their brain cells die as they go off to college.
Still no progress on my PDG blocks. I'm looking like a slouch.
We are having a huge sale tomorrow at the local quilt shop. I usually make samples for the owner and stay in the background, but looks like I'll be helping her sell and bag fabric. She is giving 38% off on clearance fabric since it's her 38th birthday. Lots of it I hope. We just ordered 72 bolts of fabric and 41 of them should be at the store by next Tuesday. I told the owner I could only work til noon, so on that note, I'll say "GO BUCKS" Beat that other school up north!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Awe, He's Cute

Isn't he cute? I made this small wallhanging for a local quilt shop. I started it on Monday afternoon. Stopped and did the home and hearth thing for awhile. Then I started the blanket stitch portion around 1 am. Finished that at 3 am. Unfortunately, I had to get up at 8 am, so not a lot of sleep that night. The pattern is Straddling Santa from

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ohio State Quilt / Pay It Forward

This quilt is one I made for a Charlotte's Garden receipient. I had seen a picture similar to this, but added my own twist to it. I sure hope the little boy that received it is enjoying it. I almost had to pry my daughter's hands off of it to mail it to the little guy.

I should be working on Christmas gifts and such but I am procrastinating again. I seem to do my best work under the gun so to speak.

Does anyone else think that Thanksgiving is really late this year? Maybe I just miss my daughter more than I thought. She hasn't been home since the middle of September.

I was one of the first three people to respond to Terry's blog for the PIF (Pay It Forward). So in the PIF spirit, I will be sending a handmade gift to the first three people to leave a comment on my blog. This might take awhile to get, since I think there are only three people reading this thing, one of them is Terry.

Here's how it works:

Pay It Forward Exchange is based on the concept of the movie "Pay it forward".
I will send a hand made gift to the first three people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join the PIF exchange.
Due to the time frame, with Christmas looming, the gifts will be made and posted out in the New Year.The time frame is within a year.
What you need to do in return, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. This is only possible for those who have a blog.The time frame is within a year.First three people to respond.
Would love for you to join me? Other comments are also welcome.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Today was busy. I finally managed to get my hair cut. Took me three days to track my friend down. I really like the way she cuts my hair. You have to be careful, if you tell her to cut it short, you end up looking like a peeled onion. Oh well, it will grow.

I spent several hours at the local quilt shop. The owner was really busy, so I stayed long enough to put a few bolts of fabric away. We were going to discuss what I had seen at the recent shop hop, but the door just kept opening and she kept cutting fabric. That's a good thing. She is our only "quilt store". You can't really count Joanne's as a quilt store. Especially ours, it's so full of flowers, scrapbooking stuff, and home decor. So I guess I'll try again on Monday.

The picture of the quilt is the one I finished for my daughter. I bought the fabric on the way home from taking her to college her first year. That was September 2007. I just got it back from my longarm quilter September 2008. On a recent trip to Columbus, I took it with me so she could put it on her bed in her apartment. I was met with "That's not the one I want". So now it sits very nicely on her bed here at home. Now I get to make the one she really wants. It's called Exclamation. Then there's the lap quilt made from Moda's S'mores collection that she would like to have for her couch. Hope I can get all this done soon.
I spent the evening making huge pillowcase style sheets for the church nursery. I just finished those and will deliver them tomorrow.