My daughter and I had wonderfully Wicked weekend! I drove to Columbus on Friday so that we could go see the play "Wicked" on Saturday. It was truly amazing. Our seats were in the Loge only four rows back. We could see everything. I think that Sara really enjoyed the play too. It was our first play together.
On Friday we went to a favorite quilt shop of mine, Quilt Trends. It is a great place to shop and get new ideas. They have so many beautiful quilts on display. It's amazing I didn't gain weight from all the eye candy.
On Saturday before the play, we went to a second quilt store. Quilt Beginnings in Bexley. About half the store is devoted to sewing machines. The fabric was lovely. I think I showed a little restraint this time. I did buy a few things. I'll try to add pictures the next time. I still haven't unpacked my car.