Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cutting, Piecing, Sewing

I wish that would be what I'm doing! Unfortunately, I've been procrastinating once again. So little time and so much more I would love to do.

I'm hoping to make a cute Circle Ear Bud case for my great nephew. I just need to find the perfect fabric for a 10 year old.

Still wondering when I'll find time to put up the Christmas tree. I wish my daughter was home to help!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fun Day

Today was a fun day. I got up early and was on the road by 8:30 am (really early for me)

I finished an embroidery project for a cute little girl that I know who is in the 6th grade. I put her school logo on a black sweatshirt, and then put her school lettering down the right sleeve. It looks so cute! Her birthday is Tuesday and I finished it just in time.

Then I went to my sister's house. One little bundle of joy was waiting there for me. She is such an awesome baby. She seems to be smiling almost all the time. She took a couple of naps and we played a little on the floor. Sure doesn't take much to make me happy! Tomorrow I set my dial on repeat and I get to spend time with Miss Sydney again.

Still not looking like Christmas around here....no tree....no baking...and no cleaning. Ugh! I'm hoping to finish my Christmas shopping this Wednesday and then maybe I'll have a little more Christmas spirit.

On the sewing front, I haven't done much lately. I just heard from my longarm quilter that she finished the quilt I want for Christmas. I made a simple Jelly Roll Race that I will give to a member of my family for Christmas. I think I'll put everyone's name in a hat and pull a name! That should be fun (for the winner).

Posting For Dixie!

My friend, Dixie, told me the other day that I hadn't blogged for some time. Looking at the last post, I can see that she is right! So just for Dixie, I will post a picture of my 2012 Christmas quilt. I try to make a new Christmas quilt each year. You can probably tell that this is just the top. It's not quilted yet and probably won't be quilted til after Christmas. Lots going on around here. We've had two babies born in the last five months. What a joy each baby has been. We were blessed with a little girl, Sydney, and a little boy, Easton. I have another quilt that is ready to be quilted made from a layer cake. Will post a picture in another post. Maybe I can get back into the swing of blogging again. Don't hold your breath, I would hate for anyone to expire waiting on me!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New To Me Use For My Vegetable Brush!

Hey, just thought I'd let you in on the use of my vegetable brush. I love it when I can make an item do double duty! I have a large design wall in my basement, but everytime I put a quilt or quilt blocks on it I end up with a ton of strings all over it. If I put a new quilt up I get some of those strings on the back of the new quilt, so I spend a lot of time using a lint brush roller to get them off the wall. Today, I decided there had to be an easier way. Yep, enter my vegetable brush. Here is a pick of a small portion of my design wall before I cleaned it with the vegetable brush! And this is what it looks like after I finished brushing it: And this is a picture of the reason I wanted to start with a clean design wall. My daughter asked me make a quilt for a friend of hers that is getting married on October 6, 2012. With the time constraints, I opted to make a lap quilt. More time....bigger quilt....sorry Sara. I think the couple will like it. Sara said that their colors are black, gray, and white. I just had to add a pop of red! I think the binding will be red too! You can find this quilt pattern on www.clothworkstextiles.com . It's under the free patterns and it's called Nature Rythms. Til Next Time~

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fabric Intervention

I'm positive I need someone to slap my hands everytime I go near the computer. I have a room full of fabric and what do I do? I searched for a particular fabric tonight until I found every piece that I needed to do a quilt. The last time I did that, my daughter and I were sitting together on the couch trying to see who could find "her" fabric first. So, if anyone can tell me how to resist the lure of the online fabric shops, I would sure love to hear about it!!! See you next time.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

To Have and To Hold

I have had a very busy summer this year. I have been going to Lamaze classes -- a new baby being born -- a wedding this last week, -- my mom's 90th birthday is tomorrow -- and another new baby coming in November. My daughter is moving in September so a week of September will be spent helping her move. I have made about 20 tops for Project Linus, but since I don't quilt them myself it has been very slow getting them finished. Seems like everytime I get one ready to donate, someone in my family puts their name on it! My nephew was married yesterday at the Browning Amphitheater on the campus of The Ohio State University. They make such a lovely couple and seem to be very much in love. There was very little shade and the temperature was around 91. Thankfully they had ice water for everyone and cute little hand fans so we didn't all wilt before the reception. Here's a cute pic of my daughter at the wedding reception: That's all for now. Hopefully it won't be so long in between posts.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Well...it's been a long time since I've posted here. With all the talk about the new blogger interface....who knows if you will ever hear from me again! Sounds like Blogger is going the same way as Facebook and it's Timeline.

Just so you don't think I've been sitting on my duff (well I sorta have), I have been sewing 40 x 60 quilt tops for Project Linus. Right now I think I have 14 finished, four are at my friend's house to be quilted. The last quilt I made I gave to my great niece, Carynn, with a pillowcase to match.

This is probably the easiest pattern I have ever used. I found it on MaryQuilts.

The other quilt top that I've used came from a site that I found on the Internet. I get a chuckle every time I think about it's name. Kick Ass Quilts

I belong to a group of ladies that meet the first Sunday of each month. We call ourselves Piecemakers. Each month we do a Block Lottery. Our hostess will pick a block and everyone makes that block. At the end of our meeting, a name is chosen from those that participated, and they take all the blocks home with them. This is a picture of one of the quilts made from these blocks. I loved the fractured look of this quilt. I think one of these is in my future!

That's enough chatter from me. Hope you all are having a wonderful day!