Thursday, March 21, 2013

God works in mysterious ways!

I firmly believe this! It doesn't matter if it's a big problem or just an ordinary day to day issue. Today I stopped at our local post office to get a priority mailer. They don't usually have a box large enough to mail a full size quilt, but today, my clerk told me someone had just brought one in that didn't need it....that's one! After that I called a friend to ask if her sister was coming to town any time soon, and she told me that she would be here this Saturday...that's two! So instead of having to worry about mailing my quilt to Indiana and hoping it made it, I could now take the quilt to my friend's house and she would present the quilt to her younger sister....that's three! All the stars were aligned perfectly for me today! I didn't not get a great picture of the quilt, I had to use my iphone, but I think you'll be able to see how pretty it is! Here it is:

I used the pattern, Emma's Star by Pleasant Valley Creations. I did change the pattern slightly to add two borders. I used one jelly roll of Flirt or Marmalade (sorry both collections are in the quilt). I think the jelly roll was Marmalade and the outside border is Flirt. I love both collections!

Today is hubby's birthday, so we will be going to eat....and yes he is still on crutches. His MRI showed a large pool of blood behind the kneecap. He gave Jeff a choice of draining it or letting his body absorb it. Yep, he choice to not have it drained! Go figure. Men, you just can't talk to them! lol

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sneak Peak

>So last Thursday my husband landed splat on his backside while doing a home inspection. Apparently he twisted his knee very badly. I have suggested strongly that he go to the local ER, but he knows best. His knee is swollen about three times its normal size. Today I went to a local drug store and purchased a pair of crutches for him (that only took three trips). He now has it wrapped with an ace bandage and is moving very slowly. He makes such a horrible face when he tries to bend it, but still refuses to go to the ER. I've given up at this point. I made my escape to my basement where I have my design wall.

I have been making scrappy nine patches lately. So today I decided to put them up on my wall. Here's a sneak peek of my quilt. Not sure if I will keep this setting. What do you think?